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Hypertrophic Scar Treatment in Atlanta, GA

Hypertrophic scars are knotty bumps that form around scar tissue and may be unsightly, embarrassing and uncomfortable. If you are interested in hypertrophic scar removal, your best bet in the Atlanta area is the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery, led by Dr. Frederick T. Work, Jr. Dr. Work and his team provide state-of-the-art hypertrophic scar removal treatment for residents of Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings and Sandy Springs.

What Are Hypertrophic Scars?

Hypertrophic scars are raised bumps made up of collagen masses that accumulate around skin at the site of injury, impact or physical trauma. They often appear as hardened, rope-like protrusions, with knotty surfaces and visible skin discoloration.

How Do Hypertrophic Scars Form?

Hypertrophic scars occur as part of the normal process of wound healing; however, in a typical wound, metabolic processes last for a period of approximately six to eight weeks following the original trauma, injury or surgery. The body produces collagen at the site of the injury, then naturally breaks it down over time. During this process, the scar develops and thickens, then begins to flatten over time. In some people, the balance between production and breakdown of collagen during the process of natural healing and scar formation is altered, resulting in excessive collagen production. The scar may either spread, or it may remain raised and develop into either a keloid or a hypertrophic scar. Hypertrophic scars may be effectively interrupted and prevented by administering proper treatment during the healing process.

What Is The Difference Between Keloid And Hypertrophic Scars?

Hypertrophic and keloid scars are similar and it can be confusing to distinguish between them. Although they both are composed of excessive collagen masses, they behave differently. For example, a hypertrophic scar forms quickly following an injury, whereas a keloid may not start forming for up to a year after the original injury. There are also variations in the structure of the mass of tissue in the two types of scar formations. While collagen fibers in keloid scars actively spread into nearby healthy tissue, hypertrophic scar tissue remains confined to the site within the boundary of the original injury and the surrounding healthy tissue is not affected.

Treatment For Hypertrophic Scars

Treatment for hypertrophic scars depends on the cause and location of the scar. If the hypertrophic scar is caused by an injury or flawed surgical procedure, then surgery to remove the hypertrophic scar is usually the recommended treatment. If the hypertrophic scar is a result of some other cause, in a location where it is likely to form again, then the risk of recurrence must be factored into the decision of whether or not to repair the scar.

Can You Prevent Hypertrophic Scars?

The application of silicone gel products immediately following injury is one of the few known treatments that have been proven to help prevent the formation of hypertrophic scars. Since this type of scarring is often genetically predisposed in some individuals, you may know in advance whether or not you are susceptible and take extra precautions by applying silicone gel hypertrophic scar treatment immediately as a preventative measure. Be sure to inform Dr. Work of your condition prior to any surgery and be aware that body piercing, tattoos or any other injury to the skin will likely develop into a hypertrophic scar if you are susceptible to this type of scarring pattern.

Will Insurance Cover My Hypertrophic Scar Treatment in Atlanta?

Cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance unless they are medically necessary. If your hypertrophic scar is inhibiting normal function, it may be covered. The Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery provides affordable access to hypertrophic scar treatments for all of our patients by offering financing options via CareCredit® and Prosper® Healthcare Lending. Our office also accepts cash, personal checks, and credit cards.

If you have unsightly hypertrophic scars you want to be removed, contact Frederick T. Work, Jr. at the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery. Dr. Work and his team provide hypertrophic scar removal treatments for residents of the Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings and Sandy Springs communities in Georgia.
